Source code for lyricsfandom.utils

Utilities functions.

import string
import urllib

    ('<i>', ''),
    ('</i>', ''),
    ('\n', ''),
    ('<br/>', '\n'),

[docs]def capitalize(string_raw): """Capitalize a string, even if it is between quotes like ", '. Args: string_raw (string): text to capitalize. Returns: string """ # return re.sub(r"\b[\w']", lambda m:, string.lower()) return string.capwords(string_raw.lower())
[docs]def name_to_wiki(name): """Process artist, album and song's name. Args: name: Returns: """ name = name.strip() name_wiki = capitalize(name) return name_wiki
[docs]def name_to_wiki_id(name): """Generate a `Lyric Wiki` ID from a name. Args: name (string): name of an artist / song. Returns: string """ name_wiki = name_to_wiki(name) name_wiki_id = '_'.join(name_wiki.split(' ')) name_wiki_id = urllib.parse.quote(name_wiki_id, safe=':/._-()%,') return name_wiki_id
[docs]def parse_song_title(song_title, artist_name=None): """Split a song title to retrieve the artist name and song name. Additional argument can be added to better retrieve these names. Args: song_title (string): song header (or title for the ``<a>`` element) artist_name (string, optional): name of the artist. Returns: tuple """ song_title = song_title.replace('(page does not exist)', '').strip() song_title = song_title.replace('//', '') if artist_name and artist_name in song_title: # Handles when the artist name is composed of ':' character (ex: 'Ex:Re') # Or when the song does (ex: 'Re: Stacks') # Knowing the artist name, find the separator index between the artist name and song title_parts = song_title.replace('/wiki/', '').split(':') artist_name_parts = artist_name.split(':') artist_name_nparts = len(artist_name_parts) artist_name_song = ':'.join(title_parts[:artist_name_nparts]) song_name = ':'.join(title_parts[artist_name_nparts:]) else: artist_name_song = song_title.split(':')[0] song_name = song_title.split(':')[1] return artist_name_song, song_name
[docs]def process_lyrics(lyrics): """Process lyrics. Args: lyrics (string): lyrics to tokenize / modify. Returns: string """ lyrics_new = str(lyrics).split('<div class="lyricbox">')[-1].split('<div class="lyricsbreak">')[0] lyrics_new = lyrics_new.split('<b>')[-1].split('</b>')[0] lyrics_new = lyrics_new.replace('Instrumental', '') lyrics_new = lyrics_new.encode('utf-8', errors='replace').decode("utf-8") for char in LYRICS: lyrics_new = lyrics_new.replace(*char) return lyrics_new
[docs]def parse_album_header(album_header): """Split the album title in half, to retrieve its name an year. Examples:: >>> album_title = 'His Young Heart (2011)' >>> split_album_title(album_title) (His Young Heart, 2011) Args: album_header (string): album header / title to split Returns: tuple: album name and year. """ album_parts = album_header.split('(') if len(album_parts) > 1: album_name = '('.join(album_parts[:-1]).strip() album_year = album_parts[-1].replace(')', '').strip() else: album_name = album_header.strip() album_year = None return album_name, album_year
[docs]def split_song_header(song_header): """Split the song title in half, to retrieve its artist an name. Examples:: >>> song_header = 'Daughter:Run Lyrics' >>> split_song_header(song_header) (Daughter, Run) Args: song_header (string): song header / title to split Returns: tuple: artist name and song name. """ song_parts = song_header.split(':') artist_name = song_parts[0].strip() song_name = song_parts[-1].replace(' Lyrics', '').strip() return artist_name, song_name
[docs]def split_header(header): """Split the header to get the artist name, album, and year. Examples:: >>> album_title = 'Daughter:His Young Heart (2011)' >>> split_album_title(album_title) (Daughter, His Young Heart, 2011) Args: header (string): album header / title to split Returns: tuple: album name and year. """ artist_name = header.split(':')[0].strip() album_title = header.split(':')[-1].strip() album_name, album_year = parse_album_header(album_title) return artist_name, album_name, album_year
import unidecode
[docs]def serialize_list(list_raw): """Serialize a list in ASCII format, so it can be saved as a JSON. Args: list_raw (list): Returns: list """ list_serialized = [] for value in list_raw: if isinstance(value, list): list_serialized.append(serialize_list(value)) elif isinstance(value, dict): list_serialized.append(serialize_dict(value)) else: list_serialized.append(unidecode.unidecode(str(value))) return list_serialized
[docs]def serialize_dict(dict_raw): """Serialize a dictionary in ASCII format so it can be saved as a JSON. Args: dict_raw (dict): Returns: dict """ dict_serialized = {} for (key, value) in dict_raw.items(): if isinstance(value, list): dict_serialized[unidecode.unidecode(str(key))] = serialize_list(value) elif isinstance(value, dict): dict_serialized[unidecode.unidecode(str(key))] = serialize_dict(value) else: dict_serialized[unidecode.unidecode(str(key))] = unidecode.unidecode(str(value)) return dict_serialized